Friday, April 30, 2010

Rising with the Sun

Determined to get in a good hunt and hike before Martha at 11am, I woke up at 4:45 and was deep in the woods by 5:20. It was a great day, found some Morels and snapped some great pictures. I discovered new trails, several rivers and ponds and got lost... a lot. It's just too easy but I really do need to get a a compass or at least pay attention to where I'm going. It has been really nice this year because every time I head out for a hike, I am for the most part prepared. My pack includes a journal and pen for notes, several Zip-Lock bags for... well anything I might want to bring back, a pair of heavy duty shears and a knife. I also bring with a basket for collecting Spring onions and edible mushrooms, an old book and strap for pressing flowers and my field guides for identifying unfamiliar mushrooms. A camera is a must and I keep mine on hand in my breast pocket or basket. There have been too many times in previous years where I have found myself without it so I'm making sure to stay on top of having it with me, charged and ready. While I still need to add to my field supplies (a pocket saw, better knife, magnifying glass and I'm always looking for better field guides) I am really proud that I've been so diligent about being prepared for one of my favorite activities and I can make the most out of my time in the forest. Ok, I know I have been obsessed with Morels and the woods and whatnot but it is the season. I promise in the next few days to bake a cake or something, I will be starting a huge clean and reorganization of our apartment and I will document it all. I am going to be switching the bedroom with the craft room (we need more space for my projects and the bedroom is larger! Will Chris kill me? I swear he'll love it once he sees it. I'm off to spend some time with Chris and the kids. Can't wait for this thunderstorm to really get going.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'd smother you in Hollandaise if I could...

I prepared the last Morels from the weekend hunt by pan frying with butter, salt and pepper. I built an Eggs Benedict-ish thing using stale sourdough for the muffin and the morels for the Canadian bacon. It was delicious. The Hollandaise was right on and the eggs, while over cooked (I couldn't locate the damn slotted spoon. BAH!) were so round and perfect. It was a sight right out of Martha Stewart Living. Of course I couldn't wait for pictures and scarfed it down. I kind of regret not snapping one but I really regret that I poured practically every drop of Hollandaise over my plate... the recipe called for 1 stick of butter, YIKES! Oh well, butter is dairy and I guess that can be my recommended serving for the day, right?

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sorry this is sideways, I thought that I'd be able to flip it or edit or something but no. Oh well, tilt your head, it's only a couple seconds.


You will be glad to hear that I finally found Morels! It took forever but my patience (hahaha) was well worth the wait. Over the entire weekend I probably picked about 20 which is not bad for the first good hit of Spring. Saturday I woke up super early and was in the forests by 6am. It took me 8 hours before finding a really great spot, my new honey spot. I headed back there late this morning to see what had popped up overnight. After a few minutes of brushing the forest floor and seeing amazing polypori, a car pulled up. I was a little nervous about who would be intruding on "MY" forest. A father and son team headed into the woods on the other side of the road and later asked how my hunt was going. Luckily I had nothing exciting to report. If you don't know, "honey spots" are closely guarded secrets and most mushroom hunters won't give too much information away. The dad told me they had 14 from their previous areas and that they had seen people picking over the area we were in. More people know about this spot? AHH! Next week I will have to get there at 5AM! I spent about 45 minutes (maybe more... probably more) without anything. I pressed on despite the rain and even after the competing pair left. Finally I spotted the perfect tree from across the way and just knew I would be lucky. There were 8 spread out around the base of the dead Maple. I shrieked in excitement. I kept going but decided I had enough for dinner and a few extras for a friend. Next week should be fantastic, a little more rain and a lot more sun will do the trick. I want to organize a hunt with some friends but first need to secure some more spots. It would be heartbreaking and embarrassing to take others out with me and not find anything. Tonight, I will be sauteing the Morels in butter with a little salt and pepper. Yum!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I really have absolutely nothing to report. Chris made dinner, I haven't cleaned anything, the dishes are piling up and I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. I know, I am a total bum. Tomorrow I have to head to school to take placement tests, woohoo and that's about it. I hope that I come back motivated and ready to clean or bake or craft or something besides talk about my momentary obsession with Morels but now that we're on that topic I can't say enough how excited I am for the weekend rain. I think everyone at work secretly wants to kill me because rain and Morels and turning Philbert into a Mushroom Hunter is all I can talk about, that and my gas... you really don't want to know. Martha, slap me now for even mentioning that. Anyway I know everyone is probably sick and tired of hearing it but several trips without anything and several promised storms that never showed have me eager for one good hunt. I have been checking every hour and the rain is moving further into next week. We still have 40% chances Friday and Saturday but if we don't get rain those two days my chances will be shot. I'll be forced into afternoon hunts followed by rush hour traffic. There are worse things I suppose. Anyway, keep your finger's crossed and I promise... well hope for your sake that this is the last rant about fungi until the weekend's bountiful hunt!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I should have mentioned...

... that those popovers are really easy to make. Just use left over pate brisee (i make batches and freeze for up to 2 months in my freezer. it's something good to keep on hand especially with spring/summer berries and fruits on their way.) Roll out thicker than you would a regular pie crust (a little over 1/8") Cut into large squares. Use what you have an make it work, size isn't important. Using washed and prepared berries, peaches, apples, oranges, plums, etc.. (You can really use anything you like. Remember to clean stone fruits properly and cut up larger fruit into manageable pieces.) Add sugar and any zest, juice, spice or herb you like. I use citrus zests and juices in most of my Spring and Summer pies. The juice will not only add great taste but it will also prevent the fruit from oxidizing, preserving the brilliant colors and flavors in the finished pie. I especially like lemon and orange in Blueberry Pies. Tangelo would be amazing too. Ok before we get off track... The amount of sugar varies as I usually make these with what's around and the amount is always different. Sprinkle in enough to lightly coat the berries. Spoon the fruit onto one side of the triangle (*in the photo, I had barely any pate brisee and had to improvise with my amount and that is why I am using triangles. BUT in the theory it is the same, see how I've put the blueberries on one half of the triangle? That's what you're going for just with squares, does that make sense? Now I've gone and confused myself.) ANYWAY, leave a quarter to half inch border. Using an egg wash (1 egg + 1 TBS heavy cream (any dairy product works; yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, etc... )You can also just use the egg.))) (<<<-----That was too many side thoughts, sorry I just want to be as helpful as possible.) Ok so brush the egg wash over those 2 borders you left around the fruit. Brush lightly, you don't want bubbles of scrambled egg in your pie, well maybe you do but I don't so easy does it. Fold the other side of the square over and seal by pressing firmly. Making sure your popover is sealed tight, move onto a Sil-Pat or foil or parchment paper line cookie sheet. Brush the entire popover with the egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. Using a sharp knife or kitchen shear make a 1" slit in the top for venting steam. Ok that's it, you're done. Pop them into a preheated 400 oven and check them in 20 mins. When checking you want to look at the color of the dough, is it as dark as you want it or does it need some more time. If it's as dark as you like or you're worried about burning, pull out and cover with foil. Use a kitchen towel and pat down the foil around each popover. Careful don't squish it. After 30-45 mins the popover will be finished. You can test the fruit by inserting a paring knife through the steam vent and into a piece of fruit. If it is tender-soft, it's done. Pair with ice cream or homemade whipped cream and it's an easy and amazing addition to any meal. Oh but don't forget to let them cool for at least 30 minutes before serving. Gosh, sorry I'm spaced, off in mushroom land, dreaming of Morels and rain. I might have to just suck it, strip, grab a drum and some chicken bones and do a little dance. It's gotta be in there somewhere. So anyway sorry for the insanity that is this post. I hope you were able to find something useful in it. I am off to watch the Simpsons and sip a diet coke and not clean... I'll do it tomorrow... we'll see.

Friday, April 16, 2010

TGIF g-dangit.

I am thrilled that the weekend is finally here. Lot's to do, morel hunting, visiting CHIC and meeting with an admissions representative and of course cleaning. I am getting better about keeping up with the household chores but I do have a long way to go. Managing clutter is the worst, I need to head to the container store! The craftroom closet needs a complete makeover and I need to buy a garbage can (I still can't believe we don't have one... it's a little ghetto.) I had an accidental nap today and was really disappointed we didn't get more rain. Oh well, we'll see tomorrow if the tiny showers we saw this morning were enough. Because of the nap I was unable to make bread but instead used some left over pate brisee and blueberries to make popovers. They were amazing and really got me stoked for summer fruits and berries. Can't wait. Well kids have a great night and will let you know how the hunt turns out tomorrow. Have to get to sleep so I can get up at 5 and head out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fiona's Forest Flops Again!

Yet again it was an unproductive hike in the mushroom hunting sense. Overall it was a great 3 hour hike. The frogs are back and plants are bursting out from the leaf litter. I did find some really nice Dryard's Saddle and spotted a possible moss galera but because several of the galarina fungi are toxic, I left it behind snapping a picture for further evaluation. It is important that anyone attempting to collect their own mushrooms make absolutely sure they are safe. If you can't identify it, don't pick it. It's really that serious. Now Morels on the other hand are very distinct and there is only one "false" Morel which really looks nothing like the original. I am still fairly new to this and bring my Mushroom encyclopedias with. I'll sit and study a mushroom while flipping through the pages. Even if it isn't edible it's worth knowing. I talked with Andrea, one of my favorites, and she had quite an amazing day (10+ WOW!) Congrats Monkey and good luck tomorrow. I am hoping the showers tomorrow and the cooler temperatures will be a perfect setting. If not I will persist. Even though I had a pleasant stroll in the woods, two things really started to... well, piss me off. First off, the trash in forest preserves has always been a problem but for some reason I really took notice today. It is everywhere. Old pop top beer cans, copper wire, broken bottles, sheet metal... the list goes on and on. It is just awful. This summer I'm going to have to organize a Big Clean, get some people together and haul out the garbage. It really needs it. The second problem I encountered was mountain bikers. When I first came upon Fiona's Forest (it's a secret place) it was an old forest preserve trail whose marker had rotted through and not many people knew about. On an average day I would never see another living soul and once in awhile I would come across a couple hikers and maybe someone riding their horse. It was heaven. This was back in the early 2000's and as the years went on I would see handful of cyclists each week and the next year that number would double. Normally their activity was limited to the weekends and I could always count on a mid-week stroll interrupted. This afternoon I was buzzed off the path by 5 different bikers. I also took a different path and saw the damage these guys are doing to the trails. In some areas the tire ruts were almost a foot deep, maybe more. It's insane! The ground is now torn up and uneven. Maybe I need to stick to my old trails but still this is a problem. The rangers have put up a sign stating the trail is closed when wet, "if you leave an imprint, you must leave." Kind of a bunch a B.S. if you ask me. Someone, I'm assuming the rangers, has gone through and cut down trees and vines to make the one quaint, natural hiking paths, wider, taller and littered with sawed off branches and piles of vines. Oh well, I'll stick to the back trails where hardly anyone visits and enjoy the peace and quiet. Saturday I plan to only spend an hour there and if I'm not lucky by then, I'll head off to a different spot. Hopefully I will strike gold somewhere, anywhere. I really wasn't joking about Whole Foods. I will go. I pray I won't have to but this urge has to be satisfied. Lot's to do tomorrow, I have successful put off finishing my painting project at work till the very last minute so tomorrow I am stuck there getting as much done as possible. Then a fun night of bread making and watching a movie with Chris. I hope that you were able to get out at least for a little bit today and that you're looking forward to tonight/tomorrow's rain as much as I am.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daffodil Arrangement

Wasn't hard at all. Just did a simple arrangement and have about 3 dozen left over for smaller posies that can be spread around the apartment. The fragrance is so sweet and fills the air with their scent. It just makes me smile.
Also below is one of our Australian Blue Lobsters. He just molted and should be even bigger in a few days once is new exoskeleton forms. He is really just gorgeous.

Daffodil Days

I am so ready to get back out to the woods this weekend for more mushroom hunting. I can feel it in the air that I'm going to strike morel gold... if not from the ground then darnit from Whole Foods! Hahaha. Seriously though, I am so ready for Spring treasures and actually found a little urban gold this morning. It was a typical Tuesday at work, Cece had returned and told us of her adventures in Ohio. I volunteered to run out and pick up 2 dogs that mistakenly were forgotten from the transport list. I was happy to head out and even happier when mapquest misguided me in the wrong direction. Naturally I was worried about not being at work and how long it was taking but as soon as I saw a bed of wild daffodils alongside an overpass, I was willing to take whatever crap was in store upon my arrival. When I got home, I dragged Chris back to the overpass and quickly clipped about 6 dozen. They are so bright and full. Chris stayed in the car, questioning the legality of the situation and I ran off with my scissors and smile. Who knew that even in Chicago, a little uncontrolled nature would sneak in? It just got my blood pumping and ready for the hunt this weekend. Hopefully we'll get lots of morels and maybe some pixie rings if we're lucky. I also need to get these pressed flowers organized! So much to do and so little time to do it and on that note I need to get some arrangements put together, if they're good I'll post pictures later. If they're not so great... well we'll forget this blog ever happened. Oh and I am making dinner tonight I just don't know what it is, burger or chicken something. We'll see.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Orchids and Chicken, finger lickin good.

I took a little detour from cleaning yesterday as soon as I discovered a yellow ceramic vase I found while antique hunting ages ago. I had really wanted to do a tulip arrangement (all violets would have been really striking) but 3-4 dozen tulips somehow didn't find it's way into the budget this month. Instead I repotted my youngest orchids in the vintage pot. Hopefully with a little room to stretch their roots, these guys will go into full bloom. We're keeping our fingers crossed. If you're planting anything in a container without drainage holes remember to ad 1-2" of pea gravel in the bottom and water sparingly. This will prevent root rot and keep the plant happy and healthy. They really do look spectacular in our library and I'm sure they appreciate the change of venue. Tonight I kicked off my dinner plan with fried chicken sandwiches and broccoli drizzled but kind of drowning in browned garlic butter. So far so good, I'm starting like I usually do, optimistic. But the hard part is coming, I just have to stick with it and use what we have rather than jumping on grubhub. It's just too easy, g-dangit. Seriously, after a long day of pooper scooping and torture by bark sometimes I just don't feel like cooking. Well now I will have to! I really do, hold me to this people. In the past I have made it a few weeks before "delivery" finds it's way back into my vocabulary. So we'll just see. OK people I have to get to those dishes so I won't have 2 loads tomorrow. Hope you're Monday wasn't too dreadful.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Funday!

No morels! I should have read the blogs before heading out but it seems like next week will be perfect with a few storms and warmer weather. Today was just too cold. Oh well, c'est la vie, ay? This just gives me more time to clean. Chris works a double and my goal is to have the apartment immaculate. All the furniture needs to be moved and swept behind, ceilings dusted, dishes washed and the craft room might need some help from FEMA and the Red Cross. IT'S THAT BAD!!! I have so many half projects going on and need to finish them or box them up because the next big projects are already beginning. For Mother and Father's Days I am trying to find something really amazing for them. OK Mom and Dad, stop reading right now, the rest isn't important................................................ For Mom, I'm getting 4-5 huge planters and planting heirloom tomatoes, peppers and a variety herbs in them. If you haven't been to Loew's, Home Depot or any other Garden center in the past few years you probably haven't seen the spectacular, resin pots from Southern Patio Inc. They come in a wide variety of colors and because they aren't ceramic they are so light and durable. It's best when planting anything that requires lot's of water to use a non porous pot but still allowing a few drainage holes in the bottom. This is just one of the colors I have chosen for Mom's gift and don't you think she'll just love it? I do. Especially with gorgeous heirloom hybrids from Burpey's. If anyone is doing a similar project for their mother, remember to get your orders in before it's too late. Of course if you do run out of time, there are other nursery's that carry heirloom plants but you'll have less to select from and probably will end up paying a little more. It's ok, she's worth the extra $10. On top of the container garden I plan on making another recipe box, tomato themed of course and filling it with recipes that will utilize her crops. I think it will be darling and she'll hopefully be surprised... Mom I hope you haven't ruined your surprise! Anyway, for Dad I am scanning all of the family photos... and there are thousands. After all the photos are organized and scanned, they will be transferred onto discs for Dad (I'll also make several back ups for safe-keeping just in case anything should ever happen to the originals.) I also want to get my sister's in on this and all get together to put the pictures into photo albums, something Dad has been talking about for years. We should also update the old albums and eliminate that old "magnetic" paper he used. I just think a night scrap booking with the girls, some pizza and pinot grigio would be a recipe for too much fun. Girls, what do you think? It's virtually inexpensive but something that he'll cry over, not that that's too difficult, am I right or am I right? So those are the plans for them and oh where did this all begin... oh, the craft room. Yes, I need to clean it so I can utilize my table and tools. So why am I sitting here tell you all this, I need to get cleaning.

Oh, I couldn't pass up posting the picture of me as a child with one of my bountiful harvests. I would load up my old red wagon and go door to door selling fresh vegetables to my neighbors.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Changing the Plan is usually the Plan.

I did not get out to the woods today for some mushroom and flower hunting and a much needed hike. Instead I decided that I needed to start cleaning before I brought more things into the house. How sensible and who would have ever thought I would be sensible? I am just as shocked as you. I spent the morning tearing the refrigerator apart, scrubbing and binning some pretty disgusting stuff. I'm not sure why we had 3 open salsa containers or 5 varieties of jams and I would expect myself to come up with an excuse for the 3 half-filled apple butters but I simply can't. Such waste and as each item fell into the trash I kept thinking about the compost bin I so desperately want. Maybe I'll make one of those worm containers that you can keep in apartments but that is just one more item taking up very precious and limited space. For now I just need to be more diligent about making better use of what I have rather than being so quick to run to the grocery store. In that spirit I have started our weekly menu and plan to follow it, eat and use the leftovers and eat better! I'm very excited to start cooking on regular basis and hopefully this will get me into Martha mode with the household chores. I have been such a slacker and I really do think it has been the weather. All I want to do is sleep and watch TV. It could also be that I have been sick but now that I am feeling much better I am ready to get this apartment under control. So today I got the kitchen started and tomorrow morning I am waking up early to take Lucy foraging through Fiona's Forest with me. Yes, Lucy is getting a special trip all by her lonesome with her Pops but that's mostly because I would rather watch the surroundings rather than the dogs and the boys need my constant attention. Plus Lucy needs some 1 on 1 time, we both miss it occasionally. We're hoping to find lot's of flowers and if we're lucky we may even find some hearty Morels. Then back home for some more cleaning and if I'm up for it, I might even head into work to get some more painting done. If I don't I'll have to stay late this coming week so I'll just weigh the pros and con's during the hike. You're not fooled, eh? Yeah me either, I'll be staying late this week. No one wants to go into work on their day off if they don't have to... especially me. Speaking of work, new developments are happening in my career goals. I have become increasingly disappointed in my job. There are endless possible reasons for this but I can't seem to put my finger on it. I know that I am disappointed in my current facility and I could easily change that but haven't for a variety of excuses but there are other things that are telling me "this isn't for you." While I do want to continue working with animals and shelters, I no longer want to sit in a room for 7 hours a day, scooping poop and being barked at non stop. So what comes next? Well I've decided to go to pastry school. It mostly started on a whim, a "let's do this for fun to relieve the stress" type of thought but then I thought maybe I should be a little more serious about it. I love to bake and I'm pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself, my decorating skills are fairly good and well I think it would be fun. We'll see where this takes me but for now it's gonna be a crazy ride. Uh, how have we gone from procrastination for purification to mushrooms to a new journey? It's late, that's my only excuse. Now time for the season 1 finale of Six Feet Under. Goodnight and have a great Sunday. Get outside and explore, if you find any morels and want to share your spot, let us know.

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's finally Friday.

I started this week like all other weeks just chugging along with my sights set on Friday. This is a terrible way to start a Monday but somehow I managed to turn it around. I think it started Tuesday morning when I spent my break gathering and pressing flowers. Now I haven't made up my mind if it's wrong to pick flowers from garden boxes on the streets and because of that I act and feel like I'm smuggling heroin through customs; quickly picking bluebells and creeping phlox, shoving them into a canvas bag and shuffling off at the first sign of company. Don't think I'm picking over people's gardens, I only took a few and I think the boxes are planted by the city, maybe. However, I have devised a scheme to hijack a few dozen tulips and daffodils for a spring arrangement. Hey, flowers are super expensive and you gotta make do. Chris has absolutely forbid me to pillage the city planters. It's not like I would actually do it but it's fun to dream. I'll suck it up and pick up 3 dozen tulips from the florist... and pay for them of course. Anyway, after pressing the flowers in a phonebook, I just seemed more cheery even though it was 39 and raining. I think we need the warm sunny weather to stick! I am very anxious for spring and summer to start. I have several fun trips planned and tons of projects already in the works... in my mind of course. I can't wait to pick fresh berries, plant vegetables, head up to the family cottage in Wisconsin, go out garage sailing, shop the farmer's markets and more. I did well all winter and enjoyed each snow and every cold day but I have joined the rest of Chicago in dreams of 75 and sunny days spent outside. Tomorrow the high is 73 so I have to go hiking with the dogs and hunt for mushrooms and flowers. Sunday looks like rain and we'll just have to stay in and organize the pressed flowers and cook something amazing with the mushrooms (we'll see what I actually end up finding.) Hope you enjoy tomorrow as much as I will.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Did the Easter Bunny show?

Happy Easter my dear friends. I hope you are all having a wonderful day with your friends and family. We were lucky enough to celebrate our Easter with the whole family and the Greene fam (-Jono) last Saturday and it was a fantastic time. We had a semi-intoxicated egg hunt and a whole lot of fun. As we've gotten older, traditions have been revised but the most important thing is being together. I would like to take this time to thank all of you for your support with this little project of mine and look forward to the many things to come on Becoming Billy Stewart. I have lot's more crafts, projects and recipes to share with you so stay tuned in the following months for Mother's day gifts, Father's day gifts, summer recipes and more. Thank you all again and where ever you are and with whomever, Happy Easter.

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Have a Parasite and an Excuse

Ok, I don't really know for sure if I have a parasite or not but right now it's the only probable explanation for what's going on with me right now. I have been sick as a dog and unable to concentrate over the migraines and stomach pains I am currently experiencing. I know, "Boo Hoo Baby Billy." Ok, I'll stop whining and get to the point; I promised you funion with onions and here it is. No pictures, like I said I'm sick. I promise more to come but it's totally not Martha to promise something and not follow through. So here we go...

Onion eggs are a little more tricky than beets but still fairly simple. Peel off the dry, papery skin of the onion (you can ask your grocer if you can grab a bunch of the loose skins that are already peeling off. I normally search through the onions and pick up the stray, large pieces of skin. If you know your grocer or produce supplier well, they might even save these for you, just ask and see what they are willing to do. I typically save the skins from my onions throughout the year, leaving them on the kitchen counter overnight to dry out before putting in an airtight container for storage.) You will also need cheese cloth and twist ties. Cut the cheese cloth into squares that are large enough to wrap around the egg completely with an inch or so extra. Lay one of these squares flat in the palm of your hand and place a large piece of the onion skin in the center. Stand the raw or blown out egg inside of the peel and wrap tightly. If you're onion skin is not large enough you can piece together smaller bits or leave some of the shell exposed. Wrap the cheese cloth tightly around the egg and use a twist tie to secure the end. Now in a large enamel or glass sauce pan fill with 5-8 cups of water and 2-4 tablespoons white vinegar. It's better to place the eggs in the sauce pan before filling it with water. If you are using blown out eggs place a dishtowel below the eggs and one above. The bottom towel will ensure that the eggs won't break and the top one will saturate the eggs and keep them submerged for the most part. If you are going to be hard boiling your eggs just drop and go. Bring to a boil and let roll for 8-12 minutes. Let cool and unwrap. Red onion turns brilliant magenta's and yellow becomes varying shades of gold and mustard. This is a fun and easy way to naturally dye eggs. If you find yourself in a bind or just want a fun new way to dye eggs this is a great, natural way to create stunning eggs.

Ok instead of a picture that is relevant I will share the glorious and gigantic goose eggs I bought from John's Live Poultry in Chicago. These of course have not been cleaned yet but they are still magnificent. To clean any egg first start with warm soap and water. I fill my sink with suds and scrub each egg with a sponge or acrylic Brillo pad. For tougher stains I like to use baking soda but you can also use vinegar. Vinegar will soften the shell so use sparingly. I'll scrub any soiled egg with a new, cheap tooth brush (I never understand why people demote they're old tooth brushes for cleaning. The bristles are damaged and won't really scrub anything. Just go out and buy a $0.99 toothbrush.) Sprinkle the baking soda over the stain and using a wet brush, gently scrub. Rinse all your eggs well because any residue will cause uneven dying.