Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fiona's Forest Flops Again!

Yet again it was an unproductive hike in the mushroom hunting sense. Overall it was a great 3 hour hike. The frogs are back and plants are bursting out from the leaf litter. I did find some really nice Dryard's Saddle and spotted a possible moss galera but because several of the galarina fungi are toxic, I left it behind snapping a picture for further evaluation. It is important that anyone attempting to collect their own mushrooms make absolutely sure they are safe. If you can't identify it, don't pick it. It's really that serious. Now Morels on the other hand are very distinct and there is only one "false" Morel which really looks nothing like the original. I am still fairly new to this and bring my Mushroom encyclopedias with. I'll sit and study a mushroom while flipping through the pages. Even if it isn't edible it's worth knowing. I talked with Andrea, one of my favorites, and she had quite an amazing day (10+ WOW!) Congrats Monkey and good luck tomorrow. I am hoping the showers tomorrow and the cooler temperatures will be a perfect setting. If not I will persist. Even though I had a pleasant stroll in the woods, two things really started to... well, piss me off. First off, the trash in forest preserves has always been a problem but for some reason I really took notice today. It is everywhere. Old pop top beer cans, copper wire, broken bottles, sheet metal... the list goes on and on. It is just awful. This summer I'm going to have to organize a Big Clean, get some people together and haul out the garbage. It really needs it. The second problem I encountered was mountain bikers. When I first came upon Fiona's Forest (it's a secret place) it was an old forest preserve trail whose marker had rotted through and not many people knew about. On an average day I would never see another living soul and once in awhile I would come across a couple hikers and maybe someone riding their horse. It was heaven. This was back in the early 2000's and as the years went on I would see handful of cyclists each week and the next year that number would double. Normally their activity was limited to the weekends and I could always count on a mid-week stroll interrupted. This afternoon I was buzzed off the path by 5 different bikers. I also took a different path and saw the damage these guys are doing to the trails. In some areas the tire ruts were almost a foot deep, maybe more. It's insane! The ground is now torn up and uneven. Maybe I need to stick to my old trails but still this is a problem. The rangers have put up a sign stating the trail is closed when wet, "if you leave an imprint, you must leave." Kind of a bunch a B.S. if you ask me. Someone, I'm assuming the rangers, has gone through and cut down trees and vines to make the one quaint, natural hiking paths, wider, taller and littered with sawed off branches and piles of vines. Oh well, I'll stick to the back trails where hardly anyone visits and enjoy the peace and quiet. Saturday I plan to only spend an hour there and if I'm not lucky by then, I'll head off to a different spot. Hopefully I will strike gold somewhere, anywhere. I really wasn't joking about Whole Foods. I will go. I pray I won't have to but this urge has to be satisfied. Lot's to do tomorrow, I have successful put off finishing my painting project at work till the very last minute so tomorrow I am stuck there getting as much done as possible. Then a fun night of bread making and watching a movie with Chris. I hope that you were able to get out at least for a little bit today and that you're looking forward to tonight/tomorrow's rain as much as I am.


  1. I think I'm too afraid to eat forest mushrooms. I'll watch you eat them, and if you're still alive and not hallucinating, I will try. Movie? Yes, please. I love you, I love your blog, hope your day was fantastic and I cannot wait for this homemade bread you speak of.

  2. Um, also, so weird. You know how you have type in a word so that your comment will post...? Well, the word it had me type was "Redisa". Crazy...

  3. you're crazy and i just proof read this blog... sorry guys.
