Friday, April 9, 2010

It's finally Friday.

I started this week like all other weeks just chugging along with my sights set on Friday. This is a terrible way to start a Monday but somehow I managed to turn it around. I think it started Tuesday morning when I spent my break gathering and pressing flowers. Now I haven't made up my mind if it's wrong to pick flowers from garden boxes on the streets and because of that I act and feel like I'm smuggling heroin through customs; quickly picking bluebells and creeping phlox, shoving them into a canvas bag and shuffling off at the first sign of company. Don't think I'm picking over people's gardens, I only took a few and I think the boxes are planted by the city, maybe. However, I have devised a scheme to hijack a few dozen tulips and daffodils for a spring arrangement. Hey, flowers are super expensive and you gotta make do. Chris has absolutely forbid me to pillage the city planters. It's not like I would actually do it but it's fun to dream. I'll suck it up and pick up 3 dozen tulips from the florist... and pay for them of course. Anyway, after pressing the flowers in a phonebook, I just seemed more cheery even though it was 39 and raining. I think we need the warm sunny weather to stick! I am very anxious for spring and summer to start. I have several fun trips planned and tons of projects already in the works... in my mind of course. I can't wait to pick fresh berries, plant vegetables, head up to the family cottage in Wisconsin, go out garage sailing, shop the farmer's markets and more. I did well all winter and enjoyed each snow and every cold day but I have joined the rest of Chicago in dreams of 75 and sunny days spent outside. Tomorrow the high is 73 so I have to go hiking with the dogs and hunt for mushrooms and flowers. Sunday looks like rain and we'll just have to stay in and organize the pressed flowers and cook something amazing with the mushrooms (we'll see what I actually end up finding.) Hope you enjoy tomorrow as much as I will.

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