Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I really have absolutely nothing to report. Chris made dinner, I haven't cleaned anything, the dishes are piling up and I took a 4 hour nap this afternoon. I know, I am a total bum. Tomorrow I have to head to school to take placement tests, woohoo and that's about it. I hope that I come back motivated and ready to clean or bake or craft or something besides talk about my momentary obsession with Morels but now that we're on that topic I can't say enough how excited I am for the weekend rain. I think everyone at work secretly wants to kill me because rain and Morels and turning Philbert into a Mushroom Hunter is all I can talk about, that and my gas... you really don't want to know. Martha, slap me now for even mentioning that. Anyway I know everyone is probably sick and tired of hearing it but several trips without anything and several promised storms that never showed have me eager for one good hunt. I have been checking weather.com every hour and the rain is moving further into next week. We still have 40% chances Friday and Saturday but if we don't get rain those two days my chances will be shot. I'll be forced into afternoon hunts followed by rush hour traffic. There are worse things I suppose. Anyway, keep your finger's crossed and I promise... well hope for your sake that this is the last rant about fungi until the weekend's bountiful hunt!

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