Saturday, April 10, 2010

Changing the Plan is usually the Plan.

I did not get out to the woods today for some mushroom and flower hunting and a much needed hike. Instead I decided that I needed to start cleaning before I brought more things into the house. How sensible and who would have ever thought I would be sensible? I am just as shocked as you. I spent the morning tearing the refrigerator apart, scrubbing and binning some pretty disgusting stuff. I'm not sure why we had 3 open salsa containers or 5 varieties of jams and I would expect myself to come up with an excuse for the 3 half-filled apple butters but I simply can't. Such waste and as each item fell into the trash I kept thinking about the compost bin I so desperately want. Maybe I'll make one of those worm containers that you can keep in apartments but that is just one more item taking up very precious and limited space. For now I just need to be more diligent about making better use of what I have rather than being so quick to run to the grocery store. In that spirit I have started our weekly menu and plan to follow it, eat and use the leftovers and eat better! I'm very excited to start cooking on regular basis and hopefully this will get me into Martha mode with the household chores. I have been such a slacker and I really do think it has been the weather. All I want to do is sleep and watch TV. It could also be that I have been sick but now that I am feeling much better I am ready to get this apartment under control. So today I got the kitchen started and tomorrow morning I am waking up early to take Lucy foraging through Fiona's Forest with me. Yes, Lucy is getting a special trip all by her lonesome with her Pops but that's mostly because I would rather watch the surroundings rather than the dogs and the boys need my constant attention. Plus Lucy needs some 1 on 1 time, we both miss it occasionally. We're hoping to find lot's of flowers and if we're lucky we may even find some hearty Morels. Then back home for some more cleaning and if I'm up for it, I might even head into work to get some more painting done. If I don't I'll have to stay late this coming week so I'll just weigh the pros and con's during the hike. You're not fooled, eh? Yeah me either, I'll be staying late this week. No one wants to go into work on their day off if they don't have to... especially me. Speaking of work, new developments are happening in my career goals. I have become increasingly disappointed in my job. There are endless possible reasons for this but I can't seem to put my finger on it. I know that I am disappointed in my current facility and I could easily change that but haven't for a variety of excuses but there are other things that are telling me "this isn't for you." While I do want to continue working with animals and shelters, I no longer want to sit in a room for 7 hours a day, scooping poop and being barked at non stop. So what comes next? Well I've decided to go to pastry school. It mostly started on a whim, a "let's do this for fun to relieve the stress" type of thought but then I thought maybe I should be a little more serious about it. I love to bake and I'm pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself, my decorating skills are fairly good and well I think it would be fun. We'll see where this takes me but for now it's gonna be a crazy ride. Uh, how have we gone from procrastination for purification to mushrooms to a new journey? It's late, that's my only excuse. Now time for the season 1 finale of Six Feet Under. Goodnight and have a great Sunday. Get outside and explore, if you find any morels and want to share your spot, let us know.

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