Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Natural Dyes

Despite my advice, my pleas and warnings, you have waited till the last minute to get your egg dying supplies and now it's 8:15 PM, the friday before Easter, Jewel/Osco is out of food coloring and you're kids are crying because the Easter bunny procrastinated and said "they'll never run out of dye, it's impossible." Hey, IT'S POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT never fear Billy Stewart is here to save you!!! So you haven't any food coloring, so the ef what? You can still dye eggs this year. Head out to your grocery store's produce section grab some beets and some onions (red or yellow work best.) You can certainly find other fruits and vegetables but in the interest of time we will just stick with these. If you have a juicer, great and if not, fine we'll work with what you have. First juice the beets in an electric juicer. If you don't have a juicer, puree and press through a fine meshed sieve. Use 1/2 cup of the juice and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Now dye like you would with any regular food coloring based dye bath.

Tomorrow I will go over dying with onion skins. If you want to do this go get the dry skin of yellow or red onions. Ask your grocer if you can pick through the bin and grab all the loose skins or buy in bulk. Mince and dehydrate the onions you won't need over the next 2 weeks and save for a soup or stir fry. Also grab some twist ties and cheese cloth, I know I have to. So I'll see you all in the cheese cloth section and then back here tomorrow for onion funion... I'm sick so I can say lame things like that.

1 comment:

  1. My Dearest Billy,

    I have neither a juicer, nor a wire mesh thingy... but if I did, this would be a wonderful idea! However, I am also without children, and as such have no one pestering me to dye eggs for the bunny man. :) And anyway, I have the lovely basket of swirly eggs you sent to me to decorate my table!

    Love dozens (get it? like eggs?),
