Sunday, March 7, 2010

I am in Sugar Hell.

I had been looking forward to my 4 day weekend filled with crafting, cleaning and getting Easter decorations out and up for forever it seemed. Now don't get me wrong, I've really enjoyed being able to sleep in and do whatever I've wanted for the past 3 days. I am just not getting as much done as I had hoped... and planned. I started off Friday with pressed sugar eggs, knowing this project would take the longest because of the many LONG resting times they require. I had ordered the molds and they came that night... I really should have drawn out the dimensions to get a feel for how large the "jumbo" mold was. Well... it REALLY IS JUMBO!! I'm not kidding, it probably takes about 3 lbs of sugar for the finished, hollowed out egg. This project has become so large and overwhelming I've only been able to get 3 baskets done, I haven't blown out any eggs for dying and the apartment looks like the second dustbowl has swept through. Of course I know this is my fault. I took on too much, wanted to make too many and didn't have enough molds or space to accommodate the amount of eggs I was going for. Instead of 48lbs of sugar, I probably should have started with 8. Instead of gigantic, T-rex eggs, I probably should have stuck with a goose or a duck egg. Also if I didn't have the patience of a 6 year old, off his adderall, I could have saved the devastation of having large and substantial pieces crumbling in my clumsy man hands. YES, I know Martha, when you say let rest at least 3 hours, you mean it. I just thought that setting the heat at 80, turning off the humidifier and giving them 1 hour and 45 minutes would suffice. My bad. While the finished products are spectacular (yes I will say so myself) the mess it has created, is not. I feel like we went to the beach and invited 35 friends back to our apartment to shake off. That scenario is actually more preferable seeing as sand isn't sticky. We sweep every couple of hours and yet there's still sugar everywhere. It's stuck to the bottom of my feet, in between my toes, in my hair, clothes and yes... it's somehow managed to make its way into my boxer briefs. I really could tough it out if it wasn't so god damn sticky. I'm about 5 more hand washes away from exposing cartilage. My Saint Ives bottle is down to nothing and I've resorted to using my Burt's Beeswax chap stick on my knuckles. So what am I saying... I'm not even sure. Yes, it's a fun project. Yes, it is a bit time consuming. Yes, if you live in an apartment, and this is very important, if you live in an apartment you should not make ostrich sized eggs! It's just too much. Reference the mold cavity size (not just the picture) before using your boyfriends credit card to order the molds (you only get one shot at that.) In the end you may have mice, ants or a sugar beach throughout your house BUT you WILL have an Easter gift that will amaze your friends and family.


  1. I take it Martha doesn't give you many clean up tips with this project? Allow yourself a trip to The Body Shop for some super moisturizer, but use your own credit card. And where do you even get ostrich sized eggs?

  2. of course not, martha has interns to shop vac the studio every 30minutes. i bought the molds from an online mold supplier( AND YES Chris did know about the purchase before it was made. it took some sweet talk and puppy eyes to convince him this was a much needed investment that would provide years of enjoyment. haha.

  3. i <3 you billy. i am hooked on your blog now.
