Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sugar Heaven! Yes, it really does exist.

Despite my whining, the sugar eggs ARE worth the hassle. I spent my last day off cleaning the apartment and ridding it of "The Stick." It was quite a project but I also managed to finally pitch that old, massive, unused microwave circa 1968 and reorganized the "storage" area. If you haven't been to our apartment, you should know now that I allow only a select few to use the back staircase. It's where every holiday goes to hibernate for 11months and all that extra, random crap that you hate and love and hate and can never find anywhere to keep, gets stashed. I organized all that so now the landlord can stop bugging us with concerns of an antique avalanche. So after cleaning and sweeping and dusting and organizing I sat down with the pieces to my second sugar egg. Now that all the clutter was gone, all I had to do was pipe and decorate. It's amazing how satisfying it was to be able to sit down and just decorate and not have to do any of that prep work. I love prep work but the clean up, well now I know why Martha Stewart has interns, one day, one day. I finished the interior last night and assembled the egg and set aside to dry for the night. At 11pm I had the sudden urge to start dying Easter eggs. Chris still inquires what I'm doing but now he just laughs instead of urging me to wait for tomorrow. I was able to get a basket done and the apartment is now not only clean but it's looking like Easter around here. I am surprised at how chipper and alert I feel considering it was my first day back to the real world. I screamed like Janet Leigh when the alarm went off at 5:50 and started crying "I can't, I can't." I guess I could because today when I got home I was ready to go. Chris and I played a little Wii and then went right to work making gum paste flowers and did all the finishing touches on the second sugar egg. It is incredible! I am tooting my own horn, I don't care how it looks! I love it. I am making these as gifts but I really don't want to part with any I've made or am making. I will probably be whistling a different tune when there are 20 of these enormous things around the apartment and we have critters coming in for a snack. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens come Good Friday. Now it's time for a relaxing, non sugared night with Chris and the dogs.

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