Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting Ready for Easter Madness

I may have disappeared for a bit but that is only because I'm currently preparing for Easter Madness! Chris leaves for a 6 day vacation on Saturday and I will be all by myself with the dogs, turtles and fish... oh and Martha of course. Naturally I am taking this time to get everything out of the way, and I do mean EVERYTHING! I have been getting ready this past week; planning what needs to get done, creating shopping lists, shopping for those needed items and blowing out eggs. I spent Monday afternoon zipping through the west side of Chicago in search of "exotic" eggs. For all you Easter fanatics out there, you probably know by now that you can purchase a wide variety of eggs, already blown out for sale online BUT with a little research you can find duck, goose, quail, guinea fowl and other bird eggs in your own neighborhood. I used Google to find the best place in Chicago to get these eggs and found John's Live Poultry on Fullerton. I had my reservations about visiting John's knowing full well that there would be live chickens, rabbits, quail, ducks and other animals in cages just waiting to be someones next meal. To my surprise the sad, dank image I had created in my head was far from the reality at John's. I walked into find a large, deli-esque room that was practically empty except for the glass, refridgerator counter, cash register and employees. All the animals were behind a wall and virtually blocked from view and because I had no desire to purchase a live animal, there was no reason for me to cross to the other side. I talked to the kid behind the counter, no goose or duck eggs that day but plenty of quail eggs. He was really helpful and told me to give him a call next week and he should have a couple dozen for me. The prices are half of what you'd find online and even though I probably spent the difference in gas, the experience was worth it. I have a feeling I will be a familiar face at John's each spring... I will just remember to call ahead. On top of the beautiful quail eggs from John's Live Poultry, I also picked up plenty of egg decorating supplies (rubber cement, stickers, artist tape, etc...) and of course dozens and dozens of chicken eggs. So the next few days are going to be filled with blowing out eggs and preparing the craft room for a major onslaught. Basically it's gonna be great (of course not TOO great because Chris will in fact be gone and as great as Easter projects are, they never really seem too interested in chatting or cuddling. Trust me, I've tried.) More to come, I promise to get some how to's up and tips for decorating for Easter. Now to hang out with Chris before bed... does anyone else hate this time change thing?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what you accomplish while I'm gone :)
