Sunday, March 21, 2010

Holy Crafts!

Chris was gone by the time I had gotten out of bed yesterday. I did the usual Saturday morning sprawl about the apartment. Now I might be crazy and that's OK if I am but I have watched a Harry Potter marathon all weekend and YES that means I have watched all 6 movies twice. I am officially a loser BUT it is justified. I haven't really been watching it, I've been tearing up the house, making messes and crafting like crazy. Yesterday I deco-paged a recipe box I bought at Village Discount's half off sale. It was $.70, what a deal, I know. Anyway I bought it with the intention of refinishing it for a more permanent home for my most used recipes. I know most of them by heart but can never fully trust my memory especially with items that will be eaten. I wanted a home for these recipes on the countertop but needed to box to match the color scheme and feel of the kitchen. So I started the project by cleaning the box, getting all that thrift store film and dust wiped off. After it was all cleaned I took the dimensions, made stencils, cut out patterned cardstock and slapped that bitch together. (I am well aware that you will never hear Martha say anything like that but if I was already Martha Stewart, this blog would be dead. So shit.) It looks great and now I'm pulling recipes so I can fill it up.

Now remember how I was talking about piles and messes and scraps, well today was the day to start taking care of that. I have devoted the past 6 hours to picking up, sweeping and dusting... and dying eggs. Hey, I have 4 more days until Chris gets back and if they do 55mph the entire time again, maybe 5. So don't judge, you do it to. But really the place is a lot cleaner and the egg dying has not created a huge mess. I'm currently working on a basket for Cece at work. She and her mom gave Chris and me a great assortment of herbs, dried flowers and spreads from their farm in Ohio back in the fall. Well I saved the basket it came in and the blueberry print ribbon AND... can you guess where this is going?... I'm making them a blueberry inspired Easter basket! I know I shouldn't get this excited over colored eggs but it's starting to look amazing. I have dyed a couple dozen eggs various shades of blues, lavenders and indigo's and plan on making a beautiful blue sugar egg. I think it will be quite impressive and can't wait to see her reaction. Well it's time to walk the dogs and wait by the phone for a goodnight call from Chris. Ugh, it is after all only 4 more days, 4 long days. At least I my craft room is prepared for the onslaught.


  1. you could finish the sugar eggs I started too! If you wanna...

  2. You could definitely sell these...

  3. Is that a recipe box??? Are you selling your creations yet??

  4. Okay, just tell me to read...and I can answer my own questions...ha..oops
