Saturday, May 29, 2010

What a frantic fantastic day!

I never got near the kitchen last night but I did manage to make it to the store. Here's an exclusive Billy Stewart tip; there is no good produce left out at 11:20PM. I don't know what I was thinking and Jewel sells one single vanilla bean for $14.00, CRAZY! I probably could have gotten something done last night but really couldn't make myself and why worry with the whole day to bake and frost and decorate? I should have set an alarm because I woke up at 12:07 this afternoon. After running from store to store to get the rest of my needed ingredients, I started making lemon curd at 3PM. In the future I will have to manage my time better! I ended up getting everything made and assembling them at my parent's house while listening in on everyone's conversations. My piping was sloppy, I didn't grab the right size tips and the butter cream was just a little too stiff and I had no patience. Not the end of the world (they still tasted great) it just wasn't up to my standards. Oh well, I have another dozen naked cupcakes and a second bag of butter cream, without the time crunch and anxiety of performing in front of a crowd, I will pipe a few perfect cupcakes for a photo shoot and get a picture up tomorrow so you can see what these Meyer Lemon Raspberry Cupcakes should look like. The recipe came from Vanilla Bake Shop of Santa Monica, CA c/o The Martha Stewart Show. This is my go to recipe for cupcakes because they are so moist and tender. This was my first time using their lemon curd recipe. It was a much milder flavor than mine which is more tart but still really nice. Anyhow, I had a wonderful night my parents and the Webers. We had a huge dinner (I still can barely move) and boisterous conversations. Anytime with the Webers is always a lot of fun. Now I have to go tackle those dishes... or maybe that's a job better left for the morning.

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