Saturday, May 1, 2010


Super quick folks: I hit the mother load today walking out with 59 Morels. I had literally given up and was heading back to the car and decided to stop at just one more spot. Luckily for me this detour was well worth it. I was ecstatic and crazy and frantic. Nothing compares to searching and searching and only finding a handful and then finding 59 in 1 spot, well it's just nuts. So I washed and bagged them and now I just have to figure out what to make and who to give them to. I was thinking about dropping them off for the sexy chef extraordinaire Rick Bayless but who knows if he'd actually use them. I made myself a delicious Morel Bruschetta. Ok I need to get the dehydrator out and get back to Six Feet Under. I'm obsessed! Tomorrow I start the big clean and might bake something... we'll see. Goodnight y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Sell those MFers! And NOT to the utterly terrifying Rick Bayless! Take them to any fancy restaurant and sell them!!
