Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Craftroom Chaos

We moved the big pieces of furniture(bed, dressers, craft table, desk and computer) and have the rooms pretty much switched. The only problem I'm facing now is all that random crap that I can't seem to find a home for just yet... oh and the dirty clothes. There are so many dirty clothes! Literally a mountain has formed in our kitchen and because they're there, I haven't cleaned in there and the clutter is getting insane. Chocolate molds and cookie sheets litter the range and I can no longer see the counter beneath the baskets, recipe cards and drying Morels. Even as I'm writing this I know Chris is going to sigh and give me that look the moment he walks in. It's the look he gives me every time I should have cleaned and didn't. I know I know, I should have just gotten everything under control but I just couldn't resist an afternoon hike, especially with the mood I was in. I'm easily annoyed for some reason today. I don't know why and I hate that I am but well I just am. Oh well. The worst part is, the hike didn't really help because as wonderful as it was, getting stuck in traffic was not. It took me 1 1/2 hours to get home! Bah, tomorrow I will clean and bag all the clothes that need to be dry cleaned and start washing the others. After that's done the only thing left really are the closets. I have to redesign the craft closet which will most likely involve the construction of some super craft center thingy. It's in my head but basically would be a shelving unit with built in ribbon and paper dispensers. First I have to sit down and consider my wants and needs and then go to the drawing board... and then to the container store! Oh I am just over the top about the Container Store. I've been on their website multiple times a day dreaming about splurging there. I know once the time comes to construct I will need to make multiple trips for bins and drawers and containers. All in good time. Ok folks. Pictures to come! I'm off to be sweet and wonderful to distract from the mess. Hope it works.

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