Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Madness!!!!

Wow so much is going on in the apartment right now and it making me just a little overwhelmed. I headed out to Home Depot today to pick up pots, soil, plants, plant food and some orchid moss. I decided to cut back on my original plan for Mom's gift this year. I ditched the tomatoes because it's just a lot of work to give as a gift. Instead I am making her an herb garden in a large blue pot. I picked out some of her favorites and other basic herbs that can be used throughout the summer and dried for use in the winter. Sage, a few types of basil, oregeno, dill and rosemary, a perfect mix if you ask me. While at HD I picked grabbed new orchid pots and moss and a new african violet. I have spent the night repotting the houseplants that I just hadn't gotten to yet and now I am all caught up. The new violet is just amazing; a fantastic magenta/pink flower that just shimmers in the evening light. All of the violets looked pretty sad but now that this guy has been transplanted and watered, he's perked up quite a bit. I might just have to pick up a few more. I am waiting to assemble Mom's garden till I am at her house, it would just be too heavy to transport. I did water all the herbs to ensure a healthy transission in the morning. Besides the repotting, I have also been drying out the last of my morels for winter soups and stews and trying to be clean about everything. As I told Andrea, one of my favorite friends, "I am practicing to be Martha Stewart... and it's slow and frustrating. I miss making messes." AND I DO! Of course I am not neat and tidy all the time or even when I am trying to be but trying to be neat and tidy is so time consuming. I literally takes me about 2 minutes to get one scoop of soil into a pot and after each one I am up sweeping and dusting. Oh well, a little mess isn't bad and maybe one day I'll have my own staff that cleans up after me. We can dream can't we? I am really looking forward to hanging out with Mom tomorrow and I think it might just be the two of us...? We'll see but it should be fun either way. I am also really excited for next weekend. Cece and I are heading out for a hike and foray. We'll be collecting mosses, ferns, stones and other little things from the forest floor. After a nice little hike we're going to head back to the craftroom and make terrariums (an easier project to keep neat.) I can't wait and I can't decide what trail to take her on! There are so many wonderful forests and so many are my favorite but I have narrowed it down and I'm thinking a section near my folks' place that is fairly untraveled and near Salt Creek. We'll see, I'll change my mind 20 times by the 15th. Well, I am off to clean up a little, walk the dogs and shower before Chris gets home.

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