Thursday, June 3, 2010

This and That

I started weeks and weeks ago but the major clean and re-arranging the apartment is almost complete. There really are just a few more drawers that need to be organized, a few more items need to be dropped off to Salvation Army (aka on top of my trash can) and some furniture needs to be waxed. Other than that this place is spotless. Chris had lots of homework and banished me from the apartment. So I took the last 4 baskets of dirty clothes to the Laundromat and spent 3 hours washing, drying and folding which was all supplemented with plenty of Martha Stewart Living's June edition. I'm now sitting around, well frantically pacing around the apartment finishing up mental notes on the next major projects (what chairs need to be re-upholstered? which cabinets need refinishing? Where do we need shelves installed? What plants need to be ordered? And the list goes on and on and on...) The next big step is painting the walls, doors and trim. We've agreed on a sage and chocolate combination which is perfect for the natural, "tranquil forest" theme. My favorite idea for the room is the row of terrariums above the media center. It will have seven 3-gallon glass cookie jars containing various orchids, ferns and mosses. Above that 2 large Boston Ferns in half-dome wall baskets framing glass lanterns from Nepal. Sounds like the perfect tranquil forest, right? I hope so. In the attempt to fill our home with more life and nature, I gathered clippings from all of our current houseplants and began procedures for propagation. I am thrilled to report that all have begun rooting and will be ready for transplant in just a few weeks. Hopefully they will hold me over until I am able to start my bigger projects which most likely won't be until July. But that gives me plenty of time for smaller things like baking, crafts and Dad's gift. And trust me, I need as much time as I can get! Sorting through, organizing and scanning literally thousands of pictures is turning out to be quite the task but good because with the house under control, I need something to occupy my time. I know I owe you a cupcake picture but for now enjoy this one from today's hike.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Billy Stewart,
    I've been following your blog for a little while and am in need of some advice. I am a new gardener and am finding that my garden is out of control! Do you have any advice for pruning and/or taking care of the following: tomatoes, zucchini, and broccoli?
