Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Great Gift Idea!

I love giving little gifts for “Thank You’s,” Holidays or just because I think you're great. For the most part I like to keep my gifts simple, homemade and from the heart. One of my favorite things to give friends is a houseplant. This is one of my hobbies I enjoy the most and I absolutely love spreading the joy for gardening and plant keeping to my friends and family. You must understand though that not all people are "plant people" and will kill even the easiest of plants. That's fine and don't let it discourage you from giving them one anyway. Pick out a beautiful flowering plant for them but keeping in mind that the care should be generally easy. I like to choose from moisture loving plants like Cyclamen (as seen in these photos) or the lovers of dryness like cacti and other succulents. One great choice is the Crown of Thorns (also known as the Jesus Plant.) This is a desert, tree-like shrub that is a constant bloomer and does belong to the succulent family. It can go weeks without watering and grows in medium to high light. It's mostly available from late winter to mid-summer at most nurseries. Picking out a plant from either side will ensure that it will survive for a month at least. And who cares if it dies? It lasted longer than a bouquet of cut flowers will and there is a chance it will survive and be enjoyed for years to come... especially with a little guidance from you. Stay away from hard to keep plants like African Violets whose picky disposition will make it frustrating for the recipient. Houseplants make a wonderful and inexpensive gift. Wrap decorative paper around the pot it came in, set it in a designer pot of your choice or make your own container as I have done here from a roll of raffle tickets (a how-to to come.) Be creative, make it your own and make someone’s day just a little brighter with an unexpected gift of a flowering houseplant.

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